- insurancerating::MTPLCharacteristics of 30,000 policyholders in a Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL) portfolio.
- insurancerating::MTPL2Characteristics of 3,000 policyholders in a Motor Third Party Liability (MTPL) portfolio.
- spatialrisk::GroningenCoordinates of houses in Groningen
- spatialrisk::insuranceSum insured per postal code in the Netherlands
- spatialrisk::knmi_stationsKNMI stations
- spatialrisk::nl_coropObject of class 'sf' for COROP regions in the Netherlands
- spatialrisk::nl_gemeenteObject of class 'sf' for municipalities in the Netherlands
- spatialrisk::nl_postcode2Object of class 'sf' for 2-digit postcode regions in the Netherlands
- spatialrisk::nl_postcode3Object of class 'sf' for 3-digit postcode regions in the Netherlands
- spatialrisk::nl_postcode4Object of class 'sf' for 4-digit postcode regions in the Netherlands
- spatialrisk::nl_provincieObject of class 'sf' for provinces in the Netherlands